Transatlantic Giving: How to Help Your US-Connected Clients
NPT Transatlantic is a UK-US dual qualified charity, helping donors who pay taxes in both countries maximise their charitable impact. Learn how NPT Transatlantic can make charitable giving simple and tax-efficient for your US-connected clients.

One of our main roles at National Philanthropic Trust UK is to help make charitable giving as simple and tax-efficient as possible for our donors. NPT Transatlantic launched in 2013 to help US-connected donors give tax-effectively in the dual jurisdictions of the US and UK.
Here’s some information about NPT Transatlantic and how it could help maximise the impact of your clients’ charitable giving.
What is NPT Transatlantic?
NPT Transatlantic is both an independent UK registered charity and a US public charity. That means NPT Transatlantic offers donors who pay taxes in both countries the ability to claim UK tax relief and receive a tax deduction in the US.
NPT Transatlantic provides donor-advised funds and a single gift service for dual taxpayer donors, and offers a convenient, tax-efficient way for your clients to conduct their philanthropic giving.
Who is it for?
NPT Transatlantic is for:
• Dual taxpayers—donors who pays taxes in both the US and UK.
• US donors who want to support UK charities that do not have US ‘friends of’ organisations.
• UK donors who want to support US charities that do not have UK ‘friends of’ organisations.
• Donors who wish to make global grants.
What are the benefits?
Tax Relief
Giving with NPT Transatlantic means your client’s gift qualifies for tax relief or tax deductions in both the UK and US simultaneously. This would not be the case if your client gave directly to a UK or US charity.
Making Global Grants
Grants can be recommended to qualified charitable organisations around the world at any time. As a UK-US dual qualified charity, NPT Transatlantic must comply with all Charity Commission and HMRC rules and regulations, and all US federal tax laws regarding required due diligence on beneficiary charities and grant purposes. NPT Transatlantic conducts all necessary due diligence on grantees, allowing your clients to focus on their philanthropic vision.
Single Gifts
NPT Transatlantic Designated Funds are suitable for donors wishing to make a one-time donation to a specific charity. NPT Transatlantic completes due diligence on the grantee, and after donors contribute to NPT Transatlantic, they receive a UK and US tax receipt. Giving in this way is cost effective and offers your clients the option to contribute a range of assets beyond cash, including shares.
Learn more about possible benefits by visiting our NPT Transatlantic page.
NPT UK does not provide legal or tax advice. This blog post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, and shall not be relied upon as, legal or tax advice. The applicability of information contained here may vary depending on individual circumstances.