NPT UK DAF Grant Highlights: Making a Difference

We’re proud to help NPT UK DAF donors as they continue to support a broad range of charitable causes around the world.
Here are three examples of how grants from DAF donors are making a valuable difference:
Encouraging Environmental Conservation
Protecting and restoring green spaces is key to preserving historic cities and landmarks across the UK. A £600,000 grant was made to the Cambridge Preservation Society to aid local ecological restoration.
Funding The Fight Against Malaria
Malaria is a life-threatening disease, but it is preventable and curable. Eradication is possible with cases vastly dropping since the start of the millennium. However, according to the World Health Organisation, COVID-19 has disrupted malaria services. A £100,000 grant was made to a charity working to help protect people in areas with malaria.
Supporting The Lives of Young People
Every child has the right to an education but not every young person is able to succeed in school or in their work due to the lack of opportunities available to them. A grant of £200,000 was made to support a foundation helping young people thrive throughout school and progressing into employment.
NPT UK is not affiliated with any of the cited organisations, and the inclusion of any organisation in this material should not be considered an endorsement by NPT UK.
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