Grant Highlights – Giving Children the Best Start in Life

NPT UK is driven by our mission to make philanthropy more convenient and efficient for donors. By using a donor-advised fund (DAF) to manage giving, donors can support a wide range of causes worldwide and make a lasting impact on people’s lives.
Charitable giving is often driven by personal interest or connection to a cause. This Giving Season, here are three examples of how grants from our DAF donors are supporting children and young people in need.
Life-saving treatment in war-torn countries
In a given year, approximately 0.8-1.2% of all live births have congenital heart disease (CHD), worldwide. Most of these can be treated by routine operations. However, for those without easy access to proper medical support, these defects can cause considerable suffering or premature death. A donor recommended a $125,000 grant to an international charity that brings together medical experts and volunteers from around the world to deliver life-saving heart treatments to children in developing or war-torn countries.
Making a wish come true
For children diagnosed with a life-limiting or life-changing condition, the joy of childhood is brought to an abrupt halt, with treatment plans and hospital visits dominating their lives. From the moment they are diagnosed, the everyday pleasures of childhood and family life are replaced by worry and disruption. NPT UK facilitated a $50,000 grant to a UK charity which creates moments of happiness and memories for children and families in this position, bringing a much-needed distraction during tough times.
Supporting diverse communities through the arts
A $10,000 grant to a theatre company offering performing arts programmes for young people with learning difficulties helps break down barriers and create positive connections between communities in London. In a world where we can all play a part in driving positive social change, this was a welcome grant to support diverse community groups.
For more details about how NPT UK can help donors fulfil their philanthropic purpose, please contact us.
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